Welcome to The Meade Mule

Welcome to The Meade Mule, a place for thinkers and drinkers.

My intent for this site is that it will be a place where I can work out my thoughts and opinions on a wide variety of subjects that are important and interesting to me. Politics, society, grammar, whisky, beer, sports, technology, maybe even some fiction… I’m not really planning to limit myself to anything in particular, but we’ll see how things develop as I go forward. For now, I just want a place where I can share whatever comes into my head. Perhaps this will develop into something more than that over time. We’ll see. Hopefully I can provide some content that’s useful to someone. If not, I will at least attempt to entertain myself.

Also, our new president scares the shit out of me, and I need a place to voice my opinions and concerns. This will be that place.


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